I’m a breathwork

guide, yoga teacher

space holder

and part of my

mission is

to inspire people to

connect with their own inner healer and to reclaim freedom and joy in their lives.

It’s my greatest honor to be supporting you on your healing journey.

Breathwork has been one of the most profound and transformational methods of healing in my life and because of this it’s something I feel passionate about sharing with my clients.

My path to breathwork came from a place of loss and pain and heartache. Loosing my husband in 2021 left me with not only unimaginable grief but also CPTSD.

I knew I needed to find a way through not only for myself but for the sake of my three daughters.

And I wanted to find the tools not only to survive and heal but to thrive and be able to create the new life I knew we deserve.

It seems more often than not that its our darkest moments that guides us to the deepest transformation and healing. One of the most beautiful parts of this work is community building and connecting with people like you.

I feel strongly We are not meant to do this work alone.

So if you find yourself at a crossroad, you feel stuck or in a dark place and don’t know which way to go or how to even move forward, breathwork could help you get unstuck and get the energy flowing in a new direction.

If there’s one thing I am certain of its our ability to heal and thrive despite bleak circumstances.

Not only did I discover a deep well of healing for myself but I unearthed my purpose to guide others back home to themselves through this healing modality as well. I am not afraid of your darkness bc I sat with my own. Leaning in is the way through.

I want to help you remember that:

YOU matter

YOU are loved beyond

YOU deserve healing

YOU are here to Thrive

YOU are the greatest gift

And the Healing medicine you need is within you. My role is merely to be a space holder and a mirror for that to arise.

Grateful to be of service in this way.


Hi I’m Julia


  • Group sessions held regularly in NY, Westchester, Hudson Valley and CT.

    These sessions take place in a group setting of max 15 ppl to keep the integrity of the work.

    Introduction, intention setting, active breathwork and integration.

    Full session is about 90 min.

    Public sessions under events.

    Also available for private group/events/corporate wellness.

  • If you are working through something specific and don’t want to be in group setting you can schedule a private session with me instead. Therapeutic support for working with grief and trauma.

    Support through transitions and personal growth.

    In person or online. 60 min.

  • Book me for a private event or celebration. 60-90 min.

  • 1:1 Yoga session catered to your specific needs. Hands on adjustments and expertise teaching. 60-90 min

  • Book a corporate wellness session for your company or team.

    Aside from strength and flexibility Yoga also reduces stress and builds resilience.

    Breathwork reduces stress and anxiety, increases creative thinking and promotes team bonding.

“Until You make the unconcious Concious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung