Somatic Release Breathwork is a powerful healing modality where you use breath patterns to access the sympathetic nervous system and allow past trauma and stress to be released.

We carry the past in our bodies, this energy can start to hold us back in different ways and show up as unhelpful behaviors, addictions, relationship or work issues for example. These imprints and patterns live in our subconscious mind and talk therapy alone will not be enough to resolve them. We need to heal through our Soma - our body.

The session is done on your back with eyes closed as this is an inner journey. It is set to tribal music that helps to create the container and drive of the experience.

Its common to feel emotions such as sadness and anger, but also joy and bliss. Expression is encouraged, whatever is coming up is coming up to move through.

Breathwork allows us to enter into a non-ordinary state of consciousness to get access to deeper layers of the subconscious mind, some people report mystical experiences or connection with departed loved ones.

Other times it’s traversing realms and dimensions and a feeling of one with the Universe.

Sometimes the experience is more body based, a buzzing energy , colors, sensations of energy shifting, tingling.

It often inspires insights, epiphanies and revelations.

Each session is unique. We always receive exactly what we need for our own healing journey.


  • Breathwork has many benefits, both mentally, emotionally and even physically.

    Better sleep.

    A regulated nervous system more resilient to stress.

    Calmer and more relaxed.

    Relief from PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety etc

    Increased creativity.

    Epiphanies - Insights - Revelations.

  • It depends on your unique situation.

    Some ppl can benefit w once a week or every couple of weeks while working through something specific.

    Generally once a month is enough for energy clearing and to recharge.

  • Breathwork can be quite intense and children’s brains are still developing, we therefore recommend 18 yo and older only.

    Children are always attuning to heir parents. When we as parentsdo the work our children greatly benefit.