Experience the

Power of Breathwork

  • Breathwork done in a group setting. A community experience of coregulation and healing. A powerful way to receive this medicine. Offered at studios and event spaces as well as corporate wellness and retreats. Integration circle to follow.

  • 1:1 session in person with Julia as your guide. If you are working through something specific and want some extra support through your process. Integration and coaching included. Packages available.

  • Online breathwork session over zoom. Convenience and flexibility with a personalized breathwork experience.


Alchemy of Breath

Benefits of SRB:

Release Tension, stress and trauma held in your body.

Unlock emotions, anger, sadness. grief.

Move out of fight, flight, freeze and fawn state.

Regulate Nervous System, to be able to bring yourself back to center quicker.

Better sleep.

Break subconscious unhealthy patterns.

Somatic Release Breathwork